Please be strong baby…. Life is
not easy… sometime you’ll be on top but you have to accept when you have to be
at the bottom. Ask jihan if you need help coz he did taught me a lot and he
really helpful but sometime garang sketla….. ;) hehehhehehe… kalau Jihan
garang-garang sgt bole call fiza, im gonna be your shoulder to cry on… ala
main2 jer… jihan x garang nye…
Antare ayat last Fizah yg dye send kat sume Org by email...uwaaa....
sy menanges tatkala mmbaca nyerrr...
Mesti xbest if Fiza tade kat Opis....
xdapat agy dgar cterr pngalamn org yg berumah tgga,...hehehee....
Fizahh!! miss yOuu!!!
kitOrang ade gak wat suprisee tuk Fizah time last day dye..
Fizah sgt suppriseee kan!!! hehehee.....
chOc indulgence fOr Fizahh!!! |
sempena 4 1/2 years Fizah berkhidmat ~ |
Dan farewell besar2an Fizah adlah di rumah bOs keesOkan nyerrr ~ ~
berBBQ lah kami..hehehe
p/s : Fizah , thanks 4 everything ~
n maafkan atas sume salah silap yerr ~ ~